Monday, January 21, 2013


(Post Update:  It's a week later and I've made some progress...)
Sneezy, Happy, Grumpy, Dopey, Sleepy, Bashful, Doc:  Sketched 
Humpty: Sketched
Pinocchio the first:  Envisioned  Sketched
Pinocchio the second:  Envisioned  Sketched
Pinocchio the third:  Envisioned  Sketched
Rumpelstiltskin:  Envisioned  Sketched
Red:  Envisioned
Rapunzel:  Envisioned
Hansel and Gretel:  Envisioned
Character portrait  AliceTBD  Envisioned
Character portrait  The Frog PrinceTBD  Sketched
Felted ants:  In progress
Magic mushrooms, medicinally curative:  Sooo in progress and freakin' cool!
Fiber installation:  A happy thought! 

Me and a cow jumping over the moon:  Sketched AND photographed.  Now that's progress!
No worries.  Only two short months until the exhibit opens...YIKES!!!

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