Tuesday, August 7, 2012


 ...'Cause the issue of Quilting Arts Magazine that has my "Good-bye" quilt (August/September 2012, Issue # 58, p. 73) is now on newstands!  I just got the piece back this week with a handwritten letter of thanks and praise from the magazine's Assistant Editor.  I'm feeling pretty good about myself because that hasn't happened before!

When my grandfather was lying on his death bed, he called to speak with us one last time. When my mother called me to the phone, I was so upset at the thought of losing him, that I just couldn't talk to him and I refused. But what if I had a second chance? I certainly wouldn't selfishly pass it up! No matter how difficult, I would tell him, "Good-bye." This piece depicts me saying the words as they now fall on deaf ears. The phone simply hangs on the receiving end because he is no longer there. The hand embroidered snowflakes in the background symbolize his death on the first day of winter.

"It is never any good dwelling on goodbyes.  It is not the being together that it prolongs, it is the parting."  -Elizabeth Bibesco

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