Sunday, June 8, 2008


I began this baby quilt about a year ago. It began as a shower gift for my girlfriend, Tonia. I had all the green squares done for the shower. At the party, Tonia's guests signed them with well-wishes for the little one. Then, I guess life just sort of got in the way. We had to leave a crazy rental situation, moved in with my husband's parents, waited out the summer, then moved into our first home. We had heat all winter! (Looong story!) When I started this quilt, we didn't know the sex of the baby, so I needed to come up with something gender-neutral. The vintage yellow duckies were the perfect solution to avoiding the whole "blue for boy, pink for girl" scenario. But now, they are in the ultimate duckie race to the finish line...Paige's first birthday party!

1 comment:

Jo James said...

Ooooh, what a treasure that will be! Hurry, hurry! :)