Tuesday, February 7, 2017


It may be the Year of the Rooster, but for me, it's the year to Fear Less!  I created a textile poster to enter into SAQA's juried exhibit of the same name:  Textile Posters - Communication & Commentary

Considering that this is a textile piece, one might expect to find many pieces of fabric sewn together.
Instead, it is one large hand-painted piece of fabric, much like an actual poster would be one large sheet of paper.

The "shadows" of each letter are wonky and not intended to be realistic nor in perspective.

Time to machine quilt!

Burying the threads from each line of stitch on the back of the piece takes forever!

More machine quilting...

...means more threads to bury.

The lettering itself is machine stitched, while the background areas are covered with small, hand-wrought seed stitches.

Will I make the deadline?  Are you kidding??  Hello?!?  Fear Less!

The addition of stitch creates a wonderful visual texture that separates the positive from the negative spaces.  Each shape is outlined in black stitch.

It wasn't my original intent, but since I quilted the piece so densely that it shrunk, I needed to add a teensy border.

Fear Less (48" x 32")

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