Thursday, March 1, 2012


The twins love to read, especially Faye.  They have always wanted to keep their hardcover "night-night" books with them in their cribs, but I was always afraid one would toss a hard book onto the sleeping head of the other and, well, you can imagine the rest! So...

...I just made my own cloth books!  They are soft enough to sleep with and the twins can't really incur or cause serious bodily harm with them.

Of course they're personalized!

The fabric is from an adorable collection at Purl Soho.  Some pages were cut whole cloth and others, such as the one on the right in the above photo, were pieced.

The books are machine stitched and ribbon bound, then embellished with hand embroidery.

Speaking of hand embroidery, check out the back covers.  The sweetest!

The quote is a snippet from "The Riddle Song" that I often sing to the twins when I rock them to sleep.  The perfect ending to a book from mama!

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