I love this ladder! I put the two baby quilts I made over the top rungs and Ryan's baby quilt is beneath. The ladder used to live in the studio, but we have to put two cribs in the nursery and the ladder is the perfect solution to this corner that would otherwise be wasted space.
Absolutely adore the new dresser. The top will be used as our diaper changing area.
The new rocker and basket filled with baby books.
One of the two cribs. We love them! Thank you Jimmy and Lindsey!!!
The new dresser in our bathroom. Before, everything was on a shelf. Now it's all in drawers away from baby hands! The first of much baby-proofing to come!
"Mock Pie" is my interpretation of the art quilt as an artistic medium and, much like the tasty confection, my work is comprised of three different layers. Two outer "crusts" form a shell which holds a melding of my heart, soul, and creativity at its core. Oh, the sweet possibilities!
My quilts are the "Mock Pie" in Mock Pie Studio.
Love me. Love my pie.
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